Monday, October 12, 2015

The Sift and Shift

May 2013 began a twisted journey of shifting and sifting. I made the decision to stop trying to hang on to a house that was no longer practical for me. For many reasons..some I regret, some just are, I started the process of storage vs. tossing vs. selling vs. daily necessity.
My plan to live in my parent's basement was first on the list. Secure a storage space for all I wanted to take with me in the next incarnation was next and breaking the news to my sons who would need to stay with their dad was last and most painful.
I didn't make all the right moves at that time but I learned a lot and try to have limits on regret.
I was all about the books and art supplies I had acquired and moved and acquired more of and move. Storage was a bitch to fit everything in but I did it. Behind this stack are maybe two more stacks of books.
There they sat until I found a little apartment with enough space for my bed, kitchen things, an art table, a little couch and still in the boxes - books and art supplies.
I barely made it there at that little place in apartment complex hell before I was convinced the pretty white house behind my parent's house was the perfect place for me.
Ta da!!!

So much to love about moving into a bigger, clean and beautiful space. And then the unthinkable happened and my boy's father was killed in an accident October 2013 and shifting became imminent.
I moved back into the house we raised the boys in. Mark had already done a lot of remodeling and what was left undone, I was able to put my spin on. Which meant paint, paint and more paint.

Here I could bring all my green boxes and put them in the car port and forget I still had stuff.
I could not store the pain. I could not fix what was going on with some things in my world and made the biggest decision of all this to move to a new state. Portland, Oregon is where I would call home and find my way back to who I was losing. That all sounds fucking dramatic..and it WAS...but I'm writing to sort this time line out and that is just how it felt. All the paint in the world could not make my family whole after death and sadness. Taking myself out of the mix of my boys and their grief was all I could think of.
And there was also adventure and finding kindred spirits and HEIDI!!!!!
My sister had lived there with her family and I dig me some Wilders. They put me up in the nicest of guest rooms until I found a spot to call my own.
Before that was more sorting. I only allowed myself to take what I could fit in my car and my sweet pop's truck. All my other stuff became other people's stuff.
Books and important art supplies traveled with me..the irreplaceables, you know. My mantra was anything I can easily replace was left behind.
PDX is amazing. I love it.

I fell in love with the place more every day. When I finally found home that wasn't any better than the crappy ass apartment in West Valley City, Utah, I was pretty content.


But my loves were on my fridge.
Except these loves

May 2013, I loaded up my Red Corolla and moved back to Utah.
To this

and then a little bit of this.........
I brought some of Portland with me in mind and spirit and will miss so much but I love me some Salt Lake and perspective.
And that is the short version of how I sifted through 35 years of accumulation as a grown up on this planet and how I slowly decreased my material belongings. I want to share what I gained but will save that for another day. This was kind of exhausting to relive. I will leave with this..what I really really want.



  1. What a beautiful write. It pulls on all the strings inside me.
    Flux is the word that rings in. That solid silver metal that goes all runny with a little bit of heat.
    In process now myself, again, some more.
    Love your paint, your art, and your guts.

  2. What a beautiful write. It pulls on all the strings inside me.
    Flux is the word that rings in. That solid silver metal that goes all runny with a little bit of heat.
    In process now myself, again, some more.
    Love your paint, your art, and your guts.
