Friday, January 1, 2016

It would be lovely if...(aka 2016 intentions)

My loverly pal, Nancy has been inspiring me since I've met her. This past week she challenged us on her Infinite Possibilities blog to come up with a stream of intentions beginning with a sentence "it would be lovely...:
Here is mine. In print.In no particular order (don't analyze me) Not embarrassed.
It would be lovely...
*to have a consistent daily work out routine filled with stretching, resistance and freestyle movement. oh..and music.
*to reduce the sugar in my diet by 50%
*to only consume alcohol 2 x a week - small amounts
* to reduce meat consumption to 3 x a week
* to increase fresh foods by a bazillion
*to grow herbs and use in food prep
*to make delicious and decadent desserts and have them be my source of fats and sugars as opposed to processed shit.
*to incorporate exercise (strength/tighten/aerobic) into my daily routines and recreation. Ok, start hiking or something
*to use more natural, herbal medicine and less pharmaceutical
*to dance (belly, tap, modern) on a regular basis - even classes..or swing/square with groups
*to have a new electric/accoustic guitar and know how to use it - building skills, writing music
*to sing daily and increase skills
* to read/listen to books daily
*to make visual and written journal entries daily
*to stitch/handcraft meditation daily
*to be still daily
*to learn something new and interesting daily
*to have my car paid off
*to have a well running machine with dings fixed to take me to new places
*to have well stocked kitchen (tools and ingredients)
*to have a well stocked studio
*to aquire and keep only used clothing and accessories and get rid of excess, focus on quality over quantity
*to have enough savings for travel to kid's places and enough ongoing income for The Big Trip
*to leave home in the spring and spend April and May "Journal Jamming" with kids before school gets out. To fund this trip with my art and teaching as I go along.
*to write The C,A,R.E. Alliance Handbook and promote through the spring trip.
*to decorate my car for promotion and detain the inside for camp use
*to start a revolution of handwork-writing/stitching/drawing/painting with kids - journal jamming
*to make a song list and add that to the revolution-both composed and borrowed
*to bein journal jamming in coffee shops for fun raising
*to send C.A.R.E. packages every week for love and fun raising
*to make cards to abandon daily
*to post art inspiration on social media
*to make a blog I am proud of and that puts good into the world
*to promote creative lives
*to know each of my children and their people and their kids through constant contact
*to cook for my parents every week
*to sustain relationships with my sisters
*to strengthen and continue to build a community of kindred spirits
*to get thoughtful tattoos
*to be in love with a man who I want to share my life with and build a solid future with
*to be the kind of person I want to love
*to continue to grow with my love and not stop at the exciting, horny parts
*to communicate, listen, give, receive, love, love, love that person
*to find meaningful activity and not settle with said love dude
*to continue with current job until my business sustains me
*to have a sustainable business
* to clear my name of past debt-both personal and financial
*to make love as often as possible
*to laugh and cry freely as often as necessary
*to make activities and routines meld together into an interesting love story
*to take care of and nurture my people
* to see places, go to festivals, art shows,concerts markets and gatherings in my town, my country and make plans to see places outside this box
*to be an inspiration to my kids
*to support people I care for in their dreams and goals
*to be thoughtful with my actions and mindful with my words and careful how I treat myself and those I share space with
*to make sustainable art
*to promote sustainable living with regards to recreation and joyful time as well as routines
*to speak in positive tones
*to turn away from that which doesn't serve me or the greater good
*to avoid idle and useless gossip in all forms- participation and witness
*to maintain a spiritual practice
*to kick ass in the indie art world
*to make music second nature
*to use space wisely
*to be mindful in gathering and entertaining people
*to make good use of time, energy and resources
*to approach difficulties before they burst into shitty situations
*to not be afraid to speak and to have my voice be heard
*to take a stand when necessary
*to speak up to injustice
*to be mindful of habits and seek to care for myself, others and the earth in thoughtful ways
*to be grateful, to notice things, people, activity, to be grateful for and speak of these things- direct my gratitude to those who should hear, see and know it
*to have fun
*to surrender to pain and sorrow when necessary
*to sit with people in their pain and suffering and to ease burdens when possible
*to be selfless when I can
*to teach people how to treat me and not suffer needlessly
*to not martyr up my life
*to insist on happiness
*to seek out goodness
* to find beauty and support those who make that which is good possible
*to not CAVE into excess or hoard unnecessary things
*to be a beacon of light
*to support and promote all beings in their efforts to be light
*to be childlike and accept that I don't know everything
*to be in the mystery, to not shy from wonder and to be a sponge of knowlege
*to find cool spots
*to learn to give really good massage
*to be a gracious receiver of love
*to make dull spots shiny
*to accept dull and not try and change everything
*to never ay things happen for a reason but instead go with - some things in life can't be fixed, they can only be carried
*to be good at hiking and walking the earth
*to know about terrain
*to be able to read maps
*to know about plants - growing and harvest
*to invent techniques, recipes and music
*to end relationships that no longer serve me or the other person
*to have an end of life plan
*to be a person my kids are proud and happy to have in their lives

I got to 100 within and hour.
I like how I started with self care so I could be well enough for the bunches of other things I can do when I am feeling my best.
 Pretty excited that not one of the things on the list was about organizing or sorting or getting rid of stuff. Decreasing my belongings and making mysrlf portable over the past two years has left me with more room for good things to happen. Lovely things.