Thursday, August 30, 2012

tony's birthday

It's my first born's birthday today...32 years of being his mama..have loved it all. Since I've been in movie's to you, Tony..I love you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I have a lot of doodling down time at my j.o.b. (ssshhh...don't tell my and have rediscovered a lost art for myself..loving making details of my brain patterns.
 If I could have a Corinne Bailey Rae vibe goin' on..hang out at a coffee shop and play music..draw...write..guzzle smoking, thank you...t'would be a happy camper.

art with the Littles

How lucky am I to have grandkids who love to create? I have collected and altered old train cases for a long time..decided it was time to get some of my collection out and bestow the littles with their own art boxes. Gobs of acrylic dimensional squirty paint later...their creations are divine. it took a while to try..just gave us time to make kool-aid play dough!!!!

Be kind to one another

My son asked me if I was ever bullied the other day. I had to think. Ya..there was a kid when I was in first grade who asked me if I knew what a pin was and before I told him I did, he stuck me with the pin he had in his hand. That was about it.
Then I wondered..hmm...what made me go back to childhood when thinking of being bullied?
I guess because that was the last time I wanted to give up my power? I dislike feeling sorry for myself let alone anyone else feeling sorry for me. Me, a victim? no WAY!
The times when people have tried to make me into a victim..or put me in a place of no power...those have been my bullies. A person who sees no other way to feel good about themselves but to keep other people down (in their eyes)...ya..the undercover bully.
Usually someone who doesn't really love themselves would want to see another suffer.
These are the people who probably need kindness the most.