Monday, March 5, 2012

Thank You Mr. Lincoln :: by Tori Andrus

Thank You Mr. Lincoln :: by Tori Andrus

I was a quiet, shy sixth grader who mostly did what my teachers asked for fear of being sent to the principal's office or being ridiculed in front of my classmates. Until I met Mr. Lincoln. I hold this man responsible for unleashing the irreverent and uncensored artist in me and will be forever grateful.
My favorite teacher took me aside one day and pointed to a bulletin board. "This is yours." He described how he saw me using my art and writing and ability to create themes and use quotes to make a different bulletin board every month (at least).
I was given a voice.
I have used that voice ever since. I was no longer afraid of being singled out as this wise man singled me out for good. He even managed to make it so the class celebrated what I did rather than be jealous that I had something they did not. I take his teaching style into my teaching and counseling teenagers. I have resolve to get to know them past shyness, past crimes, past behavior, and find their gifts. And create forums for them to show the gifts in positive ways. I will forever strive to use my creativity to be a light in dark places. May we all have a Mr. Lincoln in our lives.