Saturday, January 28, 2012

Goddess Chronicles

Needing some inspiration/motivation/reason for a 40 hour work week and not go on welfare...
Oh...and a big big LOVE for teenage girls and what they have to say about how they see their world..
I officially started Goddess Chronicles. The metal box is for submissions. The Big Purple Notebook is for accepted and printed up submissions.
What to do with these?
I wish I could get some permission to make a blog to share with whoever was interested. There are so many privacy and GRAMA issues (I think that's the acronym). When I get this going outside of my place of employment out! NO MORE CENSORSHIP.
I will say that one of the writing prompts was to talk about how love works in your life (there was an eloquent quote on an affirmation card but I'm too lazy to find it for this writing) One of my girls came to me to trade in her love card..something I was willing to entertain if the card didn't jive at all with the girl. I told her to work with it pretty please. "Fuck love" she said. Since we had talked privately about love gone wrong, I told her to start her paper out with that. "Write fuck love as many times as you need to in as many sentences and forms as you need to and maybe you will find your way to a good love place", I told her.
She did as directed...but did not find a good love place.


I turned my bed to position facing my alter stuff.
 I am excited about us allowing the girls at work to make (albiet paper) alters on the inside of the doors to their rooms. It gave me the idea to make sure I wake up to what is important..mantras, things I love, my happy place.
I remember when I was maybe six or seven and sharing a room with my baby sister, Mindy. Our mom might have thought the big, colorful train decoration she hung above Mindy's crib was for the baby in the room, but I remember waking up most mornings to looking at that train with all it's colors and patterns and meditating on it (if I knew there was such a thing) It intrigued me that an artist could use so many colors and patters that didn't match..but once put together..connected beautifully.
So, without yielding to color or style themes, I embrace what I love about having a room of my own.

BeGiN aGaiN

I send messages to myself subconsciously. Feeling strongly enough about this mantra...I had it tattooed on my forearms this past year to remind myself of what I aim to do and homage to all the people I admire who rise above challenges and then SHinE as a result or in spite of challenges. My challenge has been how to sort and channel my creative energy into something that makes sense and something that can be long standing through this second part of my life. I have often been frustrated in making it all fit..all the things I love into one entity that I can keep or alter to fit the ever changing life I lead. It was always a business. I love putting businesses together..with the clever names and mission statements. What I finally had the epiphany about was that I am the entity. I don't need to attach myself to a business..I am The Business. What I have to offer the world is enough. The biggest things I believe in is being a light...a blessing more than a burden, a safe place to fall, a calm in the storm..even when I am the storm. I am..STAge NaMe: Tori Sunshine. I know..sounds like a stripper. Well, damnit..I embrace my inner stripper. Who needs the trappings of  what expectations I put on myself (I almost blamed society just now)? Inside this art to make and sell, classes to prepare and teach, books to write and people to inspire and be inspired by. Let the magic begin!!!